Monday, November 24, 2008

Lotter, the kura-kura

introducing our pet, Lotter. we have been keeping it for more than 2 years already. Lotter, the name diambil sempena one of the AF finalist from Sabah... he he he
nama je 'our' pet.... yang buat kerja semua mummy. barry, cengal and daddy setakat bagi makan mahu aja. part cuci tempat tinggal lotter, mummy yang bikin semua. last saturday morning, i cuci tempayan tempat tinggalnya. we put lotter kat our verandah. once a week, cuci tempayannya. that day, i let lotter out. mula-mula lepas kat toilet.... kasi dia exercise musclenya sikit...
petang, i put him at the verandah. menyesal......kotor verandah ku jadinya. kena cuci nanti... that sunday morning, we could not find lotter. cari punya cari, we found him underneath one of the cabinet. dia boleh naik ke living room. maybe, he was looking for a cooler place.
i told barry that i want to give lotter away..... kesian juga tengoknya terkurung. barry and cengal agree to my suggestion. so, we will find a time to lepas it somewhere. kalau pass kat orang, takut end up di dalam kuali......... he he he


Anonymous said...

hi kalau dapat kat anak i.. tak tau apa jadi

Coffee Girl said...

maybe u should donate it to the museum ka, or semengok wildlife there. at least u know where it'll be...

Pn Hamidah said...

Kesian lotter dah jadi kura-kura hehe..I agree with one other to let it go where you'll know where it will be.

Sara said...

jgn ada yg menangis meraung rindu kat lotter lps tu dah laa MBC kan.. hehehe

t'ingat zaman i kecik2.. asal kucing mati jerr.. ahh ada laa kubur lps tu. siap i pg pagar tak bg sape2 lalu kat situ. hehehe

Tia said...

budak2 macam2 dia orng boleh buat... he he he

one other,
maybe send to its own habitat somewhere...

kak midah,
good idea tu tapi lecehlah... bawa pergi kebun je nanti

tak de meraung punya... he h ehe