Tuesday, May 05, 2009

going somewhere?

if you are not sure where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else
memang betul coz u have so many options mana nak pergi. memang u akan end up somewhere, at least .... ha ha ha. selalu terjadi kat kita org especially kalau nak lunch together. bukan main decide sebelum pergi. dah masuk kereta boleh tukar last minute... he he he. sometimes ending up somewhere else is a better choice kan?

people with goals succeed because they know where they are going
tak semestinya..... belum tentu perjalanan u akan tiada rintangan dan aralnya walaupun u know where u want to go! kalau u tak tahan dugaan, tak akan succeed lah u. kalau tahan dan fokus semestinya lah !!!

what say u my fren?

1 comment:

dukunlintahplk said...

last minute best agik.. full with elements of surprise :)