Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kay El - Kay Tee (Kota Tinggi)... (tak jadi)

Let me story mori my trip to KL that Hari Raya Haji weekend.
I was under so much stress for that past few weeks.  Bad things happened. Bad decision was made.

and then my laptop hang........................

dah siap letak lots of pic and dah tulis 5-6 paragraphs........

i spent half n hour typing just now................sekali hang, hilang .. tinggal satu perenggan je kat atas tu.. kita sambung lain kali ye...

1 comment:

AmirFX said...

Musim kali kak.. Komputer kmk minggu tok nang sik alah2 hang juak... Mok diformat baru kali...