Thursday, April 12, 2012

Costing... costing

adeh... pening palak molah costing.  project costing.
kerja di IT company.  section project management.
selain buat project management services to the project implemented kat customer site,
prepare proposal perlu buat costing.
so, sik sia-sia lah kita ada background accounting, in paper jak lah.

and the figure bukan beratus beribu, but ratusan ribu and even millions
apart from management services u kena cost in, u also need to take into account equipment, pen, pencil, even selotep ngan gunting pun kalau ada, IT hardware, developer punya time,  acceptance test, support team, implementation cost on-site or off site or statewide..

and my kepala now dah nyut-nyut rasanya... tension coz boss wants to see the final costing tomorrow.
tension jugak coz he isa  very detailed person.  he can spot your mistake easily, and he can spot what you miss. fussy tak payah kiralah.  luckily tahap kesabaran saya tinggi.

but hey.... saya sempat berblogging lagi nie...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
number di atas ... apa yang kurang?

where is no 9?

seven ate nine.

have a nice day!

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