Tuesday, March 04, 2014

How urban dictionary defines me?

Have you heard of the urban dictionary?
It is the online dictionary.
Put aside those Oxford dictionary or kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka... 
dont throw... put aside je
You need those during your school or uni days.

Nowadays, if you are a heavy social media user, you need to have a peek at the urban dictionary. 

It is fun.  It is cool!  It is cray-cray....
Apa itu cray-cray?
Urban dictionary defines it as steming from the term "Crazy", when referring to someone as "Cray Cray", signifies their craziness to a whole other level. The ultimate second power of crazy.

It is the internet dictionary of slang words and phrases. More than 5 million street lingo words and expressions have been defined by the Internet community.
Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words or phrases not typically found in standard dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word or phrase.  Words or phrases on Urban Dictionary may have multiple definitions, usage examples, and tags.

So, urban dictionary defines TIA as:

A cool smart mouthed girl that always has something smart to say to everything. She's also very talkative (sik juak eh, but mun geng cun ok bah itu) and can say things people take offensively but she doesn't always mean to be rude. Either way you can't help but love her.

An amazing girl who doesn't know it. Very modest and always willing to help. She loves love and is always daydreaming about it. Tias have an amazing figure, a beautiful face, and a sumptuous personality. She's a good dancer (yes!!) and VERY good in bed  (the man that you can refer to is not around anymore, RIP my dear). Men fall for her easily but she is picky when it comes to who she falls for (this is very true indeed).

Cray-cray urban momma!!
melunjur kaki ke atas, who dare to pose like this and upload it? ADA BRAN?

only TIA!!!
Amazingly beautiful girl, gets anything she wants, is just too sweet but can be mean at some times, even though she never really means the bad things she says. great personality, nice figure, stands out in a crowd, a freak, great in bed, not a player but has plenty of men, she just all around a great girl to be with and quite epic at that! she's not weird your just regular!

Ha ha ha.... whatever.  Just for the fun of it!
Jangan selubungi kehidupan anda dengan aura negatif dan kemuraman...


Anonymous said...

Hi. Like like like. He he he. Kamek suka apa kitak tulis tok. Tetak sorang dirik. Me very cray cray. Oh ya, kirim Salam ngan orang nak berlunjur kakinya di tiang ya. Jangan sampei selauk kaki kelak.
Cucu nenek kebayan

Tia said...

cucu nenen kebayan,
makaseh eh..
suka kmk mun kitak suka..hahaha
iboh jerak ngabas agi auk....

Tia said...
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Tia said...
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