Monday, April 21, 2014

Love thyself. Who else?

Tak habis lagi citer Bangkok.  Later-later we continue.

Ni... kita nak citer pasal 'kerana dirimu sungguh berharga'.  Hehehe.
Orang Sarawak bilang 'kejeron' lebih kurang syok sendiri namanya.
Well, who else gonna love yourself if not you yourself.
I have more time for myself nowadays.  
Dulu.... 100% of my love and my time ku hadiahkan untuk suami, anak-anak dan karier.  I was free and easy with myself, tak lah cincai but less attention untuk diri sendiri.  Bukan nak ngerepak, bukan nak komplen.  Itulah hakikatnya.  Yang tersayang dah ditakdirkan pergi meninggalkan kami.  Redha.  Kini yang 100% masaku dibahagikan kepada anak-anak, karier dan AKU.

Loving yourself is one of the most fundamental part of becoming a confident person.  It plays a huhe role in your day to day interactions with people surrounding you and with yourself.  Be kind to yourself and you owe it to yourself too! Loving yourself sud not depend on your situation or outside factors in your life.  Tak payah tunggu for life to be better before you love thyself.

Bak kata my ex-classmate masa our school reunion last Saturday, Tia ni 'aku yang dulu bukan yang sekarang'.
Perangai masih sama beb.... penampilan je lain sikit.  Dulu 'boyish' je rupa.  Happy go lucky.  NO boipren no hal.  Study and score was the moto.  Kalau ada yang diminat pun, jadi secret admirer je lah.  Simpan syok sendiri dalam hati....hahahaha.

Nowadays, I dah start nak berbeli make up, colagen itu ini, dress cantik-cantik walaupun saiznya dibeli sengaja satu saiz lebih kecil dengan niat jadi motivasi untuk menyelimkan diri.  In other words, I am challenging myself.  Maka... semua dress yang 4-5 helai and a few blouses tu masih bergantung di almari menunggu masa nak dipakai bila tuannya dah slim.... gila tak?  Every now and then I will put it on, cuba testing try..... 

Cengal jadi fashion jury.  
Ok kah mummy pakai this dress dah?  
She will answer..... mummy still nampak gemuklah.... dah.... gantung balik dress tu...
Sampai Cengal komplen, 
'What's wrong with u mummy?  Dulu tak ada pun like this.  Ngegeh lah mummy now!'

Then I will explain to her.  You must look good.  You must present yourself well.  By feeling good and presenting yourself well, you will have the confidence in yourself.  You will not be afraid to meet and mix with people.  Also, your inner self must be good too, no sombong-sombong or meninggi diri.  Be humble and respect other people.  And so far...... both of them, Barry and Cengal are humble and respect their friends and people surrounding them.  Their late daddy had always been reminding them on these good values dulu.

My parents are away, in Sabah.  The three of us jadi penjaga rumah.
Had the chance to flip through the old photo albums and found this photo!

Hey.... I was thin dulu.... hahahaha. 

Gaya model keta proton saga.  I think I was 20 or 21 years old here.
Cuba lah I time ni pergi apply jadi stewardess dolok. Dapat habis round satu dunia.  Tapi sik pandei berenang, ya lalu jadi penghalang nak apply.... hihihi. Hujung-hujung jadi imigresen officer cop pasport orang kat airport je dulu....

Wow.... semangat ni nak dapat balik badan macam tu, dengan rambut panjang aras leher.... dapat recover 50%  pun jadilah kan????

Dengan semangat waja tu lah, I sekarang ni join kelas zumba.  Ni, dah 2 minggu ponteng kelas.  Badan pun dah naik 2-3 kilo.  Tambah lagi travel ke Bangkok, selera makan tak pandai kurang dua minggu ni....

I join Amber Studio, own by fellow friends, Iban lagi.  So kira sokong bisnes bumiputera!
The instructors are certified.  The studio is situated at MJC.  Tak jauh dari rumah.
The classes are on every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 7 - 8pm.
Gua berpeluh lencun basah habis.... and the crowd is very sporting and firendly!

 Photo credits to Amber Studio

Jom berzumba at:

Amber Studio
1st Floor, AK205
MJC, Jalan Batu Kawa New TownShip

Please check this out:


Coffee Girl said...

Wah rock steady mama! cayalah! bergetah beb! wewitttttt! skrg pun ada kurangnya, masih boleh diselamatkan dan dishape lagi curvy! hehe

Tia said...

coffee girl,
hahaha... rock steady beb!!!